Gazechim Composites Norden AB
Gazechim is an independent family-owned French group, founded in 1937, head quartered in Béziers, France.
In the 1970s, the Gazechim Group decided to diversify its activities and in 1973, a new activity was introduced in France: the distribution of composite materials.
Today Gazechim Composites is a leading distributor of composites materials in France and Europe.
Since 1999, the Gazechim Group has continued to expand in Europe and now conducts its composites business in 23 countries.
The Gazechim Group employs 750 people around the world.
Distribution Of Composite Raw Materials
Based on more than 40 years’ experience, Gazechim Composites is totally customer orientated:
- Specialists in composites raw materials
- Complete range of products for Composites, Advanced Composites and Composite Tooling
- Partner with the world’s largest producers
- Local European network: 40 locations in 23 countries
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Presence In All Sectors:
- Aerospace
- Marine
- Sports and leisure
- Automotive
- Construction
- Renewable and Wind energy
- Transport and Rail
- Industrial including Tanks and Pipes